Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”)

Note: Blue Gem Research only publishes sponsored or commissioned research.

1. How do I use Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd research reports? What should I buy? What should I sell?

At Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd we aim our research reports to be informative. While the reports are aimed to be factual, by the very nature of forecasts and valuations many elements have to be subjective and opinionated. We suggest that you read the research reports in light of this, understand the benefits and shortcomings thereof and then use it as a foundation for your own research and, ultimately, your own conclusions.

Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd does not give any trade or investment advice nor recommendations, like ‘buy’ or ‘sell’, relating to this. We believe that you should know your own risk profile and portfolio better than we ever could, thus we think you are in a better position to give a advice to yourself than we are.

Any implied return from a twelve-month target price (“12m TP”), even if very much positive, does not imply a stock is necessarily attractive or worth investing in. The 12m TP may prove to incorrect, the future is uncertain and the risk of the stock may not justify the return implied by this wholly-academic and illustrative measure.

Refer to our disclaimer for further details.

2. How can I ensure I get Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd’s very latest research report when and as they come out?

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You can also follow Blue Gem Research on Twitter over here or why not become a fan of ours on Facebook? New reports will be announced via these two social networks as well.

3. Can I forward the research I find on this website to friends and family?

Yes–so long as they are in countries (i.e. South Africa) that allow this legal framework–but you are not allowed to change (add, delete and/or modify) anything and you are not allowed to distribute the research for your own gain (i.e. charge clients for it). See our disclaimer here for more details.

4. What stock brokerage firm does Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd recommend I use to trade stocks on the JSE?

Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd does not endorse any stockbroker over another one. We have decided to remain neutral with regard to questions of that nature. We are a research house, not a volumes-based brokerage.

5. I want to contact Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd and/or its analyst(s) to discuss a (one or more) research report on this website, how can I do this? Can I book a meeting?

No, as a general rule, the general public cannot meet with Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd and/or any of its analysts. We simply cannot deal with thousands of people. We really hope you understand this. Perhaps try tweeting at either us or Keith McLachlan. If we are too busy unfortunately we may not respond immediately but we will try to get back to you in time.

6. If Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd provides this level of research to me for free and it does not make any money on the volume traded thereon, how does Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd make money?

Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd has been set up as a “sponsored” or “commissioned” research business. We have written about and explain this in detail in our About section. But, in summary, typically the companies we write research on are the ones that have paid for that research.

7. Where does Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd get its information from for its research?

From all the normal analyst avenues: management, site visits (where applicable and able), annual financial statements, SENS, and other public sources. Our data providers include Refinitiv, Profile Media, InvestPro, and Koyfin, amongst some other sources. If in doubt, refer to the “source” posted within each report under each table, figure, graph or other such item.

8. Is Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd registered as a FSP with the FSCA?

No, because Blue Gem Research (Pty) does not give specific financial advice to any clients, it does not need to register. The general public is specifically excluded from the definition of “client” (or else every financial journalist and TV presenter out there would need to register with the FSCA).

Also for this reason, Blue Gem Research (Pty) Ltd cannot give you specific financial advice. Please respect that we aim to operate within the limits of the law and, thus, we are not being rude when we do not answer your queries where we feel that to do so would constitute financial advice.

See our disclaimer for more information.

10. Is commissioned research legal?


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